Here is the financial article assignment with only proofreading corrections shown. Hold your mouse over shaded areas to see comments explaining the purpose of each change or query. In a standard proof pass, explanations are given only when requested by the client, and for changes that might be unexpected.
Obviously, the Ennron situation has everyone concerned about the lack of financial controls in place, and whether there will be other Enron-PUNCTUATION: Here the word "related" modifies "Enron" as opposed to "accounting" so changed space to hyphen to correct this compound adjective.related accounting disasters. PUNCTUATION: Deleted double spacing after ending period (per standard convention).Certainly earnings quality is a concern for investors, PUNCTUATION: Added comma to separate the two independent clauses.and the Enron fiasco has only heightenedGRAMMAR: Corrected verb tense. investor sensitivity at a time when the GRAMMAR: Added missing wasisGRAMMAR: Continued with present tense. already struggling with valuation issues. TSI believes that GRAMMAR: Added "that" to prevent "over the short term" from seeming to modify "believes."over the short- PUNCTUATION: Changed hyphen to space for this noun phrase (which is not the same as the adjective “short-term”).term, the market will continue to decline, but eventually the market will snap back as the market is overreacting to Ennron.
Enron was a concept company, not a product company, PUNCTUATION: Added comma to separate the two independent clauses.and there are few if any other companies with an Enron type of balance sheet. It is unlikely that GRAMMAR: Added "that" for clarity.other Ennron- related companies will GRAMMAR: Added "will" for correct (future) tense.emerge. No question —PUNCTUATION: Changed space to em dash.Enron was a horrible catastropheySPELLING: Corrected spelling. that will impact the lives of many people for many years to come.
The market and investorsGRAMMAR: Corrected to plural. are responding to three very negative and somewhat- PUNCTUATION: Changed hyphen to space because when an adverb ("somewhat") modifies an adjective ("unrelated") a space belongs in between.unrelated events that have frayed investors'sGRAMMAR: Corrected to plural (not singular) possessive nerves, i.e.,PUNCTUATION: Added necessary period and ending comma. the September 11 terrorist attacks, the most servereSPELLING: Corrected spelling. bear market for technology stocks ever, and now Enron. Over time, TSI believes that the market can repair the damages and overcome current short-termPUNCTUATION: Corrected hyphenation in this adjective. uneasiness. The recession will end, investors will eventually come back to the market, PUNCTUATION: Added serial comma.and hopefully now our world is a safer place for our children because of the focus by the United States and other world countries to on curtailingeSYNTAX, SPELLING: Corrected syntax and spelling of "curtailing." terrorism.