Sampling of editing projects
- Website and 36-page brochure for musical festival series
- eLearning program for national airline
- New-product presentations for high-tech firm
- Signage and exhibit labels for global nonprofit offices
- Medical insert for heart surgery instrument
- Training curricula for a computer-aided design (CAD) company
- Blog articles by international aid advocates
- Marketing communication materials, both printed and online
- Research application forms and guidelines
- Product knowledge books
- Healthcare newsletter articles
My clients range from students to sole proprietors to global corporations and nonprofit foundations. These are some of the companies I’ve done work for through the years, both directly and through partnerships or employers.
- Coinstar
- Deloitte
- National City Corporation (now part of PNC Financial Services)
- SPDR University
- Tech Stock Insights
- Heart Technology
- Milliman Care Guidelines (now MCG)
- Pacific Medical Centers
- PureSafety (now part of UL Workplace Health and Safety)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – various projects [
- Annual Letter from Bill Gates, print and web versions (2012, 2013, 2014); final proof for Spanish, German, French versions
- "Annual Report: Letter from the CEO" (2011, 2013); letter and web pages
- "Project Refresh," major revision of grantmaking documents for Global Development division (14 total)
- "Global Health" strategy overview
- “Engaging the private sector on gender and agriculture” Gender & Value Chain workshop documents (10 total)
- "U.S. Libraries Program" brochure
- "The Value of Vaccines" fact sheet
- "Let's Get Moving" e-newsletter issue: edited text, photo captions, formatting
- "Improving Agriculture, Improving Lives, Making Connections" agriculture prospecting card
- "Records Management" e-course module 1: online text plus transcript
- "Learning About Teaching" briefing brochure
- India office wall art captions
- "Deliberation Groups Pre-Read Framework" Agriculture team memo
- "Motion Graphics Package User Guide"
- "Polio Eradication: A Global Effort" white paper with graphics and captions
- "Records Management" e-course module 2: online text plus transcript
- "Tuberculosis: A Global Threat" fact sheet
- "Tuberculosis in India: A Leading Killer" fact sheet
- "Let's Get Moving" e-newsletter (three issues): edited text, photo captions, formatting
- Campus overlook panel text
- "Our New Campus" e-newsletter issue
- "Showcasing Successes in Banking Beyond Branches" call for submittals
- Captions for campus wall art: wrote both long and short versions
- "Save the Date" invitations (four variants)
- "New Campus" invitations (two variants)
- New campus banners (70 total): wrote, edited, and proofed banner caption text
- New campus photographs (380 total): wrote and revised caption text
- "Improving a Child's Health in 1000 Days" infographic
- "Preventing Polio Saves..." infographic
- "Local Roots, Global Mission" foundation campus brochure
- "New Campus Opening Reception" program and signage
- "Simple Innovations Help Farmers Thrive" infographic
- "Growing Better Rice for a Hungry World" infographic
- Short-form labels for campus art (33 total)
- "We Can End Malaria" infographic
- "Impatient Optimists" blog (first 310 blog entries)
- "Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene" strategy overview
- "Public Audio Tour" audio tour text and intro plaque text
- Long-form descriptions for campus art (27 total)
- "Gates Vaccine Innovation Form" nomination form
- "The Gates Vaccine Innovation Award" web page text
- "How to Begin Working for Her" 40-page toolkit
- "Working for Her: Creating Gender-Responsive Agricultural Development Programs" IDEO presentation doc and orientation doc
- "Reinvent the Toilet" infographic
- "Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene: Grand Challenges Explorations" fact sheet
- "A Toolkit for Gender-Responsive Agricultural Development Programs" 40-page manual
- "Postsecondary Success" strategy overview
- "Media Asset Management System" training guides (three)
- "Tropical Legumes: Boosting Yields, Improving Soil" profile
- "East Africa Dairy Development Project" profile
- "Our Work in Africa" fact sheet
- "Our Work in Ethiopia" fact sheet
- Photos for Washington, D.C., office (63 total): wrote captions
- "Grand Challenges Explorations: Framing the Aid Debate" research summary: wrote, incorporated revisions, proofed
- "Financial Services for the Poor" strategy overview
- "Family Planning" overview
- "Who We Are, What We Do, And How We Do It" livestock overview, slide deck, and infographic
- "Partnering to End Polio" fact sheet, call to action sheet, and infographic
- Philanthropist descriptions (three): researched and wrote one-paragraph biographies about 20th-century American philanthropists
- Photos for London, Ethiopia, South Africa offices (22 total): wrote captions
- Grantee progress report
- "Haiti Mobile Money Initiative" press release
- "Reinvent the Toilet Fair" program text and exhibitor descriptions for 2012 fair
- "Campus Art" program guide: researched art information; edited text, art labels, map, formatting
- Foundation organizational charts with bios (yearly revision)
- "Reinvent the Toilet Challenge" fact sheet
- Photos for Ethiopia office (four total): wrote captions
- TEDxChange 2013: edited bios for seven participants
- "Our Work in Nigeria" fact sheet
- "Our Work in South Africa" fact sheet (revision)
- Photos for India office (29 total): wrote captions
- Records-For-Life design submission guidelines
- "Reinvent the Toilet Challenge" fact sheet
- "Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene" strategy overview
- Foundation organizational charts with bios (yearly revision)
- "Reinvent the Toilet Fair" program text and exhibitor descriptions for 2014 fair
- "Experts Book" reference guide
- Photos for Nigeria office (four total): wrote captions
- Historical descriptions (seven): researched and wrote one-paragraph biographies about significant scientists and thinkers of the past
- "Our Work in India" brochure
- Africa facts (14 total): researched and wrote one-paragraph summaries of positive change in African nations
- Photos for Seattle campus (30 total): wrote captions
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Information Services department
- Philanthropy Northwest
Professional services
- Manpower
- Mary C. Wolney Law Office
- MRM Partners West
- Nitro K-9
- Unico Properties
- United Airlines
- Adobe Systems
- Andrew Corporation
- Amazon
- Autodesk
- Boeing
- Crystal Point
- Dolby Laboratories
- FiveBy Solutions
- Hewlett-Packard
- Honeywell
- Micro-Frame Technologies
Microsoft – various groups [
- .NET Framework
- Access
- BackOffice
- bCentral
- Business Productivity Online Suite
- Information Technology Group
- Mainframe Migration
- Microsoft Dynamics
- Microsoft Enterprise Experience
- MSN Media Center
- NetDocs (now OneNote)
- Office
- Pocket PC
- Project
- Publisher
- Small Business Group
- SQL Server
- Tablet PC
- ThinkWeek
- Windows
- Works
- marcomm case studies (multiple areas)
- customer relationship marketing (CRM) materials (multiple groups)
- internal documents (multiple departments)
- technical and sales white papers (multiple areas)
- Microsoft Press
- Weyerhaeuser
- Dunkin' Donuts
- Old Consulate Inn
- Congregation Eitz Or newsletter
- Lute and Lamp
- Music@Menlo summer chamber music festival
Companies I’ve partnered with:
- Interplay Experience Design
- Intrepid Learning Solutions
- Projectline Services
- Yesler