Editing is a collaboration between author and editor to present the writer's ideas in finished form, with clarity and grace. I enjoy working with clients to determine what editing level is best for their projects within available resources.
I can help with any or all of the three standard levels of editing described below. If you'd like to consider hiring me for your editing project, try getting started.
—Pm Weizenbaum

Proofreading is a final pass to correct any remaining errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar, and to flag inconsistencies in wording and formatting. All materials need a proofreading pass.

A copyedit checks copy for clarity, accuracy, and consistency in both formatting and wording, and flags confusing elements for the author to reconsider. Most materials would ideally receive a copyedit pass.

A substantive edit involves revising as deeply as needed to yield a well-written document that best meets client goals. This pass includes all the elements of a standard copyedit. It benefits material that has not previously been reviewed, as well as material that is complex or voluminous.